Growth of water leaf [Talinum triangulare (Jacq) Willd) from root cuttings and stem cuttings in the Semi-arid zone of Nigeria

E E Rabo


Studies on growth of Talinum triangulare (Jacq) Willd was investigated using 5cm cutting from root as well as apical and basal cuttings of stem. Cuttings were planted in loamy soil and watered once daily for 50 days in November/December 2000. Growth parameters such as height, number of leaves, fresh and dry biomass of leaves were recorded at 10 days interval up to 50 days after planting (DAP). The result showed that it is possible to propagate water leaf from root cuttings. Further, the root cuttings produced significantly (P<0.05) taller plants and high leaf number with corresponding increase in dry biomass of leaf than the apical and basal cuttings of stem, except for the fresh weight. The experiment has shown that it is ideal to grow this vegetable from root cuttings, since the roots are capable of resprouting so as to obtain higher growth over the stem cuttings that it allows the maximization of the vegetative part since the root is not consumed.

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