The role of women in artisanal fisheries in parts of Lagos State, Nigeria

A O Osibona


The role of women in artisanal fisheries in parts of Lagos State of Nigeria was investigated for six months (July – December, 1998).  Women between the ages of 35 and 44 made up 53.6 percent of those actively engaged in artisanal fishery while 35.9 percent and 41.8 percent were involved in processing and marketing respectively. Fishing was mainly done in streams, rivers, pools and lagoons where traditional fishing gears (nets, traps, baskets, hooks and lines) were used. Processing was done using extended drum dryers. Prevalent fish species caught by the women include Chrysichthys sp., Lutjanius agenes, Synodontis sp., Tilapia sp., Pentanemus quinquarius, Callinectis amnicola, Macrobranchium sp.; Clarias sp., Gymnachus niloticus.

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