Proximate Composition, Energy Content and Physicochemical Properties of Nigerian Edible Fats and Oils

E N Onyeike, N M Nwinuka, D I Enwere


The proximate composition, energy content and physicochemical properties of four Nigerian edible fats and oils were investigated.

      Proximate analyses of the samples showed the following composition:  moisture 0.29-0.89%, dry matter 99.11-99.71%, ash 0.06-1.44%, crude protein 2.44-5.56%, crude fat 83.10-95.30%, and available carbohydrate 3.73-8.27%.

      Apart from the crude fat, all other parameters under proximate composition varied significantly (P £0.05) from one sample to another.  No significant variation was observed in the dry matter and calorific value of the samples.

      The physicochemical results showed a near neutral pH for all the samples.  The pH values of the samples did not vary significantly (P £ 0.05) from one another.  Significant variations (P £ 0.05) were observed on the melting points of the samples.

The mean colour of the samples varied significantly, except in the case of groundnut oil and palm oil.  All the samples, with the exception of palm oil and blue band, had significantly, (P £ 0.05) different mean odour values.  The mean texture values of the samples were observed to the significantly (P £ 0.05) different from one another.  The free fatty acid, saponification and iodine values of the samples were found to be significantly (P £ 0.05) different.

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