Some biochemical and nutritional studies on Eutropius noloticus and Schilbe mystus: Family Schilbeidae.

S A Abdullahi, H I Abdullahi


The biochemical and nutritional composition of Oven dried Eutropius nitoticus and Schilbe mystus collected from Niger-Benue confluence were determined using standard.  Analytical procedures, methods and Technicon sequential multi sample Amino Acid analyzer (TSM).  The carbohydrate, lipid and protein were in the ratio of 1:3:4.  The highest proximate component contained in the two species was protein (39.5-49.1g/100g) followed by lipid (30.0-33.3g/100g) and least contained was carbohydrate (10.4-12.8g/100g).  The two species have high calorific values (570.04-649.28 kcal./100g) which are within the US/RDA recommended value.  Glutamic acid (12.30-15.02g/6Gn) dominated the pool, followed by lysine (9.6-10.81g/16gN).  However, the essential amino acids were within the FAO/WHO recommended pattern.  The calculated chemical indices indicated that the two species are superior sources of high quality proteins.  The essential minerals were within the WHO recommended values.

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