Heterakis spumosa and Eimeria sp Infection of Rats in the Hatchery of a Poutry Farm, Jos, Nigeria.

Abdul Matin Mubo QASIM, K. Okoh EGWU, Usman MUSA


Heterakis spumosa Schneider, 1866 is a typical and widespread parasite of Rattus sp. Zoonotic helminth Hymenolepis diminuta eggs was identified from Rattus rattus found in poultry pen few meters adjacent the hatchery being studied. The study investigated the helminthes profile of Rattus rattus in a poultry hatchery in Jos, Plateau state. Faecal samples were collected by handpicking the faeces on the office table, space on the windows and the floor as they were dispersed. Coprological procedure using floatation method lead to the demonstration of Heterakis spumosa eggs and Eimeria sp oocysts in the faecal samples examined at 10 and 40 magnifications of light microscope. Heterakis spumosa is a parasite of rats. It does not infect chicken and has no known zoonotic importance. Hatchery should be a clean environment similar to a laboratory, where quality control and pathogen control are central to hatchability and chick survival post hatching. The presence of rats in the hatchery indicates increased risk of egg contamination that could pose public health and egg hatchability threat. Control of rats in the hatchery is indicated through prevention of entrance and elimination of the rats.

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