Toxicological and Histopathological Evaluation of Leachate-Contaminated Groundwater on Liver of Albino Rats

O. Adeyemi, O.B. Oloyede, A.T. Oladiji


This study investigates seepage of leachate from unlined landfill into groundwater and effect of the contaminated groundwater on biochemistry and histology of rats’ hepatocytes. Water from boreholes and wells located within 1.5km radius to a landfill was given to rats as sources of water over a period of 65 days. The liver relative weight was determined. Alkaline and acid phosphatases, alanine and aspartate transaminases of the liver were assayed. Histopathological examination was also conducted on the liver of the rats. Results showed that the liver relative weight of rats in the leachate group was found to be significantly lower (p<0.05) relative to the rats in the tap water (control) group. Specific activity of ALP in liver of rats in tap water group was found to be 3 folds that of leachate group, 2 folds that of well (1km) group of rats and significantly higher than those of rats in the other groups. ACP activity of liver of leachate group was about 1/3 that of tap water and that of well (1km) group was found to be about 1/2 that of tap water group of rats. Generally, the specific activity of ALT and AST of liver of rats in other groups was found to be significantly lower (p<0.05) than that of rats in tap water group. Increasing body of evidence revealed that consumption of leachate-contaminated groundwater could result to damage to liver cells and loss of hepatic function.

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