Growth and Yield of Three Indigenous Vegetables (Amaranthus caudatus, Celosia argentea L., Corchorus olitorius L.) Grown in Soil Supplemented with Poultry Manure

TW Koura, T Adedokun, IOO Aiyelaagbe, V Kindomihou, P Harris, B Sinsin


This study tests the hypothesis that sustainable indigenous vegetable production can be achieved through organic
fertilization. To that end, three tropical indigenous vegetable (Amaranthus caudatus, Celosia argentea, Corchorus olitorius) croppings
were subjected to poultry manure fertilization in order to appreciate the plant’s response observed using some growth traits and yield
variations. The experiment was carried out at the organic farm of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta in Nigeria. A split plot
arrangement fitted into a randomized complete block design considered 3 species x 2 treatments (10t/ha manure and control) x 3
replicates. Plants that were marked were each measured weekly from the third week after planting for their height, leaf number, leaf
area, root length, fresh mass and dry mass. Yield values ranging from 2.03t/ha to 10.07t/ha depending on species and treatments. The
highest yield results were from A. caudatus and the lowest from C. olitorius. The poultry manure application caused significant
increases in the height of A. caudatus and C. argentea height (p<0.05) and compared to the controls. However, this did not affect the
leaf number and area. Poultry manure induced higher yields 1.9 times of the control (5.33 t/ha) for Amaranthus caudatus. However,
Celosia argentea and Corchorus olitorius gave decreased yields of 5.21% and 12.9% respectively. Indigenous species responded
differently to the poultry manure. Further studies are needed to test the response abilities of more indigenous vegetables to organic

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