The Mystery Prickly Berry: Solanium torvum

E. C. Onyeneke


Solanium torvum (Afufa, anara (Igbo); Ijegun-eegun (Yoruba) is native and cultivated in Africa and West Indies. It is also widely distributed in India, Pakistan, China, Philippines and tropical America. It belongs to the family Solanaceae, and they are about 2000 species of Solanum in the world that are mainly distributed in the tropical and sub-tropical areas. It is erect spiny, prickly perennial shrub, evergreen and widely branched and grows up to a height of 5M. The fruits grow in clusters of tiny green spheres, thin-fleshed and contain numerous flat round, brown seeds. The fruits and leaves are found edible and particularly incorporated into soups and sauces. Human life cycle depends to a great extent on plants. Apart from the nutritional purposes, the leaves, fruits, bark and roots of a large number of plants are valuable for medicinal purposes. The plant extracts have been widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of a large number of human ailments. Generally, in different places and cultures, it has found wide applications as a therapeutic agent for treating myriad of sickness and disease conditions. Its medicinal properties range from preventing to curative. This review attempts to highlight the novelty of Solanum torvum: evaluating the traditional uses, nutritional and chemistry, phytochemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, medicinal properties and anti-microbial potentials of this plant

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