Bacterial agents of urinary tract infections and their current antibiotics sensitivity pattern among patients attending Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital (AKTH) Kano, Nigeria

DW Taura, A Bashir


Bacterial species isolated from mid-stream samples of 400 patients from both the outpatient and in-patients department of Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kanowith the history of urinary tract infection were investigated between January to May, 2004. Bacterial agents isolated in this study were Escherichia coli (42%) and Proteus (32%). Observations from the study have shown that the occurrence of bacteruiria was 12.5% of the total sample screened. E. coli was the most predominant organism isolated and its more common in females than males at the ratio of 17.9% - 19.9%. While Proteus sp (32%), Klebsiella sp (12%) and Pseudomonas sp (4%) with less in females of the total organisms isolated. The antimicrobial susceptibility test showed that E. coli was sensitive to Nalidixic acid (19.2%), Nitrofurantoin (18.0%), Ceftazidine (12.3%), Ofloxacin (10.3%), Cefroxime (10.0%) and Gentamycin (5.2%). Therefore, the infections caused E. coli were more prevalent in females than in males especially at the age <9.

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