Chemical adjustments during aestivation by the giant African land snails, Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina

J M. Omoyakhi, O A. Osinowo, S A. Onadeko, M O. Ozoje


: The effects of duration (0, 2, 4 and 6 weeks) of dormancy of two species of giant African land snails on the chemical adjustment to aestivation were determined in groups of matured snails. The results indicate that the overall % CP content of A. marginata was 53.48 ± 1.82 % which was not significantly (P > 0.05) higher than that of A. achatina (49.50 ± 2.03 %). Duration of aestivation did not have any significant (P > 0.05) change in the CP in both species. Analysis indicates that both species maintained constancy of fat (lipid) over a measured period of first 4 weeks. Compared to control, the % EE was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in snails that aestivated for 6 weeks. While the % EE of A. marginata decreased by 39.9 % of the awake snails in 6 weeks, A. achatina only retained 52.6 % of the original EE of the awake snails after 6 weeks of dormancy. The ash and the NFE were not significantly affected (P > 0.05) by species and duration of aestivation except for crude fibre that declined (P < 0.01) with duration of aestivation

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