Protocol for directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells toward a hepatocyte fate

Jun Cai, Joseph Fisher, Amanda Urick, Thomas Wagner, Kirk Twaroski Max Cayo, Masato Nagaoka, Stephen A. Duncan


The directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) or human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) into hepatocytes could facilitate a rational study of the molecular mechanisms underlying human liver development as well as provide a renewable source of exogenous hepatocytes for drug toxicity testing and cell-based therapeutics. Moreover, if hepatocytes were produced from hiPSCs originating from patients with inborn errors of hepatic metabolism, such cells could be used for modeling liver disease. Here we present a step-wise protocol for efficiently and reproducibly inducing the differentiation of hepatocytes from human pluripotent stem cells under highly defined conditions.


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