Fungi associated with oil loss in shelledcotton (Gossypium hirsutum) L. seeds stored at ambient temperature

FI Okungbowa


A survey of the fungal flora of shelled cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) seeds stored at ambient temperature and how it affects the oil content was carried out using cotton seeds obtained from some local markets in Benin City, Nigeria.  Three fungi (Rhizopus spp.; Aspergillus tarmarii and Candida spp.) were isolated from the seeds.  Oil loss increased with storage.  Rhizopus-inoculated seeds and uninoculated ones were almost equally affected.  Oil loss in seeds inoculated concurrently with the three fungi did not differ significantly from the control.  Results showed that the inoculation of seeds with the three fungi had no synergistic effect on the ability of Rhizopus to degrade oil in cotton seeds whereas the reverse was the case in seeds inoculated with Aspergillus and Candida.

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